The new message loss reveals the conspiracy against Lula | news


The defense lawyers of the former president of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, published a press release of new messages revealed about conversations between prosecutors in the case of the leader of the Workers' Party, which only show a conspiracy against Lula.


Lula: "I am obsessed by the unmasking of Judge Moro"

Lawyers, Valeska Texeira Martins and Cristiano Zanin Martins claim that Lula is the victim of a conspiracy of public agents who want to end their public life and discredit it.

"The messages are directly linked to the two clearly corrupt trials that originated from the Federal Court of Curitiba (Cases Triplex and Sitio) and in which unfair sentences were inflicted on Lula, one of which was used to deprive him of his freedom through the early execution of the sentence, incompatible with the Federal Constitution, "the note states.

Although the current prosecutor then, Sergio Moro acknowledged that no fund of the Brazilian construction company Petrobras It was directed by the president da Silva, however Lava Jato "did not take into account the evidence of innocence that contributed to the trial".

In the document they announced that they would take legal measures before the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations (UN) to solicit and increasingly reinforce the need to annul the proceedings against Lula and that the officials and agents involved in the messages, are respectively investigated and sanctioned as appropriate.

Lula is detained in a prison in the city of Curitibia, under the condemnation of exjuez Sergio Moro 12 years and 11 months in prison, charged with alleged passive corruption and money laundering crimes.

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