The mysterious metal plate of the Utah desert has disappeared


The shiny metal plate found a few days ago in the Utah desert (United States) has disappeared as mysteriously as it appeared. The silver monolith, which had spawned the craziest theories – such as that it would be placed there by beings from other planets – was removed in an “unknown part,” the state land management agency said, cited by American media. , in a Facebook post. .

“It was one of the strangest things I’ve come across in all the years I’ve taken as a pilot,” says Bret Hutchings, who was driving a helicopter when the mysterious monolith was first spotted on November 18. On board was a biologist who spotted the strange rectangular metal plate mirrored in the middle of nowhere. “There is something there, we have to go and see what it is,” the biologist warned the helicopter pilot, just before landing next to the monolith.

The structure was 3.6 meters high and resembled the monolith made famous in the film “2001: Odisseia no Espaço”.

CNN reveals that the location of the monolith was not revealed because the authorities did not want the curious to be trapped in the remote landscape at the risk of being rescued. A warning that did not stop some people from expanding into the hidden gorge in southern Utah. One of them was almost lost on the way. Three others crossed the dark desert to get there.

Several people have already shared selfies on social networks next to the strange monolith which has now disappeared and whose paternity remains unknown. Local authorities have stated that the construction of private works of art, without any authorization, on land owned by the state “is prohibited by law” regardless of the planet the authors come from.

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