The mother saved her 4-year-old daughter from death due to the TikTok challenge


A woman in the Philippines used her Facebook profile to call adults about social media use in children after her 4-year-old daughter suffered a painful episode.

Mara Ordinario said the child tried to replicate a challenge she had seen on TikTok in which a child wrapped himself around her neck and jumped, moments before becoming a “ghost”.

See here: A 12-year-old boy fell from a sixth floor while trying to do a TikTok challenge

Fortunately, the baby’s mother was home and could tell that something was wrong. He rushed to help her and managed to prevent this accident from becoming a painful tragedy.

“Thank God I was home when it happened. I can’t imagine what would have happened if I had been out or if I had gone out to buy something,” the mother said on her Facebook account.

“My innocent 4-year-old nearly lost her life to a stupid TikTok video. So please take care of your kids,” was the reflection.

As can be seen in the publication, the girl was left with marks on her neck.

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