The meteorite falls in the garden of the poor becomes a billionaire


Josua Hutagalung, who dropped a meteor in his garden, said goodbye to his poor and difficult life. An incredible accident happened in Indonesia. The man who dropped a meteor on his roof became a billionaire. It is one of the most precious stones in the world because it is a 4.5 billion year old meteorite.

Josua Hutagalung, who dropped a meteor in his garden, said goodbye to his poor and difficult life. An incredible incident happened in Indonesia. The man who dropped a meteor on his roof became a billionaire. It became one of the most precious stones in the world because it was a 4.5 billion year old meteorite. Josua Hutagalung sold this meteorite for $ 2 million. In Turkish lira it is immediately equivalent to 15 million and 500 thousand lire.

An incredible event happened to Josua Hutagalung, who lived a sober life in Sumatra, Indonesia. He spent his life working as a coffin in the city where he lived. With the strange incident that happened to him in just one night, he suddenly became one of the richest people in his region. Josua Hutagalung, 33, recently fell in her backyard while working on the coffin. But this meteorite was not like the ton meteorites we know of. On average it was around 2 kilograms. The meteorite that caused a small hole in the garden did not know that Josua Hutagalung would be lucky. It had formed an average of 30 centimeters hole in the ground where it was stuck. Josua Hutagalung felt very lucky not to have fallen on her head. It would be quite common for the young man’s brain and head to disintegrate if he fell on his head.


The young man made very sincere statements about the Josua Hutagalung meteorite. He said the following for this stone, which was in question and completely changed his life; It was such a loud and loud sound that the house shook. There were cracks in the windows. After that stone fell, many people went out and tried to figure out what happened. I was quite surprised at first. I tried to understand what happened. It was a stone and someone didn’t throw it, I thought it came from heaven. Then I started thinking it was a very special stone, ” he added.gok.png

Various tests were conducted on the meteorite that Josua Hutagalung brought to the experts. This stone, which is about 4.5 billion years old on average, was found to be CM1 / 2 carbonaceous chondrite. It has been established that it is a very important stone due to its age and the molecules it contains. It was established that the average of 1 gram was $ 857. The total price was close to $ 2 million. In countries like Indonesia, $ 2 million means you don’t need the equivalent of money at the end of your life. Similarly, this is the case in many countries.


American meteorite expert Jared Collins, who was investigating the meteorite, found the man who heard and did not hear the crash. First, he claimed to have secured part of the mass. And he added the following; “My phone hasn’t stopped stealing a lot of good offers to get me on a plane and get the stone.” Many scientists in America were eager to purchase this stone. Eventually, with all the money he could raise, Collins bought the meteorite in humans for $ 2 million. The young man, however, gave up taboos after receiving $ 2 million, moved home and continued a good life.

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