The loser keeps a low profile: what is Trump doing now? What about the Republicans? – News



Even if the current president is silent: Trump and his lawyers want to continue fighting from Monday.

Lock him up, lock him up, call Trump supporters last night in Saint Paul, Minnesota. You mean winner Joe Biden. Despite the heated mood, the situation is not getting worse. “I hope the Trump team continues the fight. I hope you go to court. We only want fair elections, “says one supporter.

Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani said a lawsuit would be filed on Monday. With irritating gestures he doubts the news on the television news about Joe Biden’s victory: “All the news networks! All the news, wow! We can forget the law, we can forget the judges! “

No intention of congratulating

Trump played golf yesterday and had himself photographed at a wedding party. The incumbent president has not yet given interviews on the outcome of the elections.

According to CNN, the underdog has yet to contact election winner Joe Biden to congratulate him on his success. According to his lawyer Giuliani, he has no intention of doing it either. Roger Stone, Trump’s longtime friend and advisor, also has doubts.

Trump am golfen.


While the decision was being made in Pennsylvania, Trump was brandishing the golf club.


In an official statement on Saturday, Trump revealed that he is still far from accepting defeat at all: “We all know why Joe Biden is in a hurry to falsely pretend to be a winner, and why his media allies try so hard to help him: you don’t want the truth to come out. ” Trump is supported in this attitude by his two sons Eric and Donald Jr.

Son-in-law Jared Kushner and other political allies, however, have a different note. According to the AP news agency, they want to convince Trump to change his tone and allow a smooth transition.

Republicans in a dilemma

And his party? SRF correspondent Thomas von Grünigen explains that there are two camps among Republicans: there is the closest circle around the president, people like Rudolph Giuliani, who continue to support him. And there is also a large part of the party who – at least behind the scenes – know very clearly that there is almost no chance of Trump staying in office. Now it’s about somehow allowing Trump to step down as dignified as possible, which is why it is said in public that ballots must be counted and court cases must be brought forward.

But for von Grünigen it is clear: “The party must prepare for the time after Trump, unless it remembers that Trump wants to run again in four years”. It could, and it would be a possibility. But in the short term it is clear that the party is looking for a way to make Trump understand that he no longer has a chance and that at some point he will simply have to step down.

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