The launch of the COVID vaccine in December is possible. The application for authorization will be submitted tomorrow


BioNTech founder and director Ugur Sahin says the launch of the COVID-19 vaccine in December of this year is possible, AFP announced on Twitter. The authorization application will be filed tomorrow in the US and next week in Europe, he said.

BioNTech and Pfizer announced it this week that the collaboratively developed vaccine was a success in testing phases, demonstrating 95% efficiency.

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We work at maximum speed “, a He said, confirming it the two companies intends to apply for emergency use authorization a vaccine Friday in the US, while European regulators will receive a set to data for “next week”.

There is a possibility that this year we will receive approval from the United States, Europe or both. P.utem also start providing the vaccine in December if all Working very tight”, He said.

Sahin announced yesterday that BioNTech is working on an improved formula for its vaccine, which will allow it to be transported at room temperature.

Now, The conditions of transportation and storage of the vaccine are difficult to respect: the product must be stored at -75 degrees Celsius, 50 degrees colder than any other vaccine currently used in the USA. Government offices, pharmacies, and laboratories do not have freezers that reach such low temperatures.

Publisher: Monica Bonea


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