The Latest Coronavirus News: South Australia Hard Lock Dates To Lies – News


Latest Coronavirus News: South Australia Hard Lockdown Based on Lies – News – SRF

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  • A Billions for cases of hardship, compensation for part-time work is Penalties for Breach of the Mask Requirement. The Federal Council proposes to adapt the Covid 19 law.
  • The BAG reports Thursday 5007 new crown cases. So you find the Average of 7 days at 5001. These are 26 percent less compared to the previous week. The office also reports 79 new deceased.
  • The hospitals remain busy: the cantons report this 3846 people who are being treated in a hospital for Covid-19 – pretty much the same as the previous week. In Intensive care certified beds are practically full throughout Switzerland. However, there are additional capabilities. Overall, utilization is 78 percent.
  • BAG changes the quarantine list: Belgium is no longer considered a risk area. New on the list: Upper Austria, Salzburg, Luxembourg and Montenegro.
  • The overview of the development of infections, deaths and hospitalizations is available here.
  • The SwissCovid app can help break the chains of infections. Around 1,810,000 SwissCovid apps were active on Wednesday 18 November.
  • You can find out about the development of the pandemic in our charts on the number of cases in Switzerland, the occupation of intensive care units in Switzerland and the number of cases worldwide. (In some cases, the values ​​of the Canton of Zurich Statistical Office, which are higher than the BAG data, are shown here.)

The ticker starts at 6:23 am

  • 7:55

    WHO does not recommend the use of remdesivir

    According to a report, the World Health Organization advises against using the once promising drug Remdesivir for Covid-19 diseases. After an in-depth examination, a jury of experts from the World Health Organization came to this conclusion.

    The drug does not have a significant impact on mortality or other major effects, such as the need for artificial ventilation or time to recovery, the British Medical Journal wrote in an article. It is also not yet ruled out that the drug may also cause harm. Then there would be the costs.

    The findings emerged from a WHO-coordinated study with thousands of patients in nearly 500 clinics in more than 30 countries.



    Remdesivir was originally developed by the US pharmaceutical company Gilead to fight the Ebola virus. After the outbreak of the global coronavirus pandemic, it was considered a beacon of hope in the fight against Covid-19 for a while.


  • 6:50

    Australia: the pizza lie has activated a hard block

    According to the government, the relatively tough lockdown in the Australian state of South Australia was triggered by a lie. A sick man said he was infected in a restaurant he just bought a pizza there, Prime Minister Steven Marshall said. Therefore, the authorities assumed that it was an extremely contagious strain of the virus. Indeed, the man arrived there
    worked several shifts alongside a sick colleague.

    “Now we know they lied,” Marshall says, without going into motive. He was pissed. The measures must now be lifted earlier than expected.

  • 6:34

    The most important of the night

    • Mike Pence sees the US on track despite the dramatic increase in the number of corona cases in the pandemic. “America has never been so well prepared to fight this virus as it is today,” said the US Vice President.
    • In Catalonia, with the tourist metropolis of Barcelona, ​​all bars, restaurants, cinemas and theaters can reopen from Monday after more than five weeks due to an improvement in the situation of the crown.
    • California is introducing a nighttime exit restriction due to the increase in the number of crowns. Residents are expected to stay home between 10pm and 5am. Most districts of the west coast state are affected by a rapidly increasing number of crowns.

    You can read more news about the crown crisis of the night and yesterday here.

Sources: SRF and agencies

Tagesschau, November 18, 2020, 7:30 pm

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