The Jewish community urges South Africa to support Morocco’s Guerguerat action


Rabat – The Jewish community of South Africa has expressed support for Morocco’s action in Guerguerat, calling on Pretoria to encourage the Moroccan initiative to restore stability in the region.

Moroccan state media shared a press release from the Moroccan Jewish community of Johannesburg-Pretoria, which reiterated support for King Mohammed VI and his initiatives.

In the statement, the Jewish community in South Africa called on Pretoria, as a member of the United Nations Security Council, to support Morocco’s action in Guerguerat against Polisario’s provocations.

South Africa is among the few countries that support the Polisario’s independence claims, challenging Morocco’s territorial integrity.

Together with Algeria, South Africa never misses an opportunity to peddle hostile and erroneous statements on the territorial integrity of Morocco.

In September, during the UN General Assembly, the leaders of both countries devoted part of their speeches to expressing support for the Polisario.

South African Cyril Ramaphosa and Algeria Abdelmadjid Tebboune renewed their hostile stance to the Moroccan cause, underlining their determination to continue supporting the separatist Polisario Front.

The Moroccan Jewish community, however, expressed determination to urge Pretroria to support Morocco’s peaceful actions to restore stability in the Guerguerat border area and to ensure free movement and trafficking of goods to African countries.

“We also make a strong appeal to the Secretary General of the United Nations, all members of the Security Council and the European Union to support Morocco in creating peace and security in the region,” said Rabbi Abihou Levy, president of the Moroccan Jewish community in Johannesburg-Pretoria said in Tuesday’s statement.

The Jewish community of Pretoria was not the first to express support and loyalty to King Mohammed VI.

Moroccan Jewish communities in Belgium and Mexico also shared the same sentiments. They expressed support for Morocco in its action against Polisario provocations, as well as their attachment to their homeland.

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