The G20 summit or Trump’s latest show on the international stage


The G20 Summit will take place online this year due to the corona pandemic. Image: keystone

The G20 summit or Trump’s latest show on the international stage

Tackling the crown pandemic is the central topic of the G20 summit of major economic powers, which begins on Saturday as a videoconference led by Saudi Arabia.

Chancellor Angela Merkel, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin and probably one last time Donald Trump will take part in the two-day deliberations. The US president-elect, who will remain in office until January 20, will play a key role at the two-day conference. It is not only a brake on containing the pandemic, but also on the second central theme of the summit: the fight against global warming.

Current US President Donald Trump will play a key role at the two-day conference. Image: sda

The summit was supposed to be a major event with thousands of guests in the Saudi Arabian capital Riyadh. The crown pandemic thwarted the royal family’s bill. Now the heads of state and government give only about six hours on video. Conversations otherwise so important in private or in a small circle on the sidelines are no longer needed.

However, there are some expectations of the G20, especially when it comes to the Corona. It’s all about this:


Just in time for the summit, a host of encouraging news has come in about the approval of corona vaccines. Chancellor Merkel hopes it could be in December or shortly after the start of the year. One of the top issues will be how the distribution will be designed. On Friday, UN Secretary-General António Guterres again campaigned for the international Covax initiative, which aims to make vaccines available and affordable for all. “I urge all G20 members to become Covax members,” he said. Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) made a similar statement: “It is necessary for all G20 states to participate.”

Health workers in New Delhi, India, transport a person who died of Covid-19 to the crematorium. Image: keystone

More than 150 countries have already joined the Covax initiative, including China, but not the United States. Germany has already contributed 100 million euros. However, the German delegation announced that there would be no further financial commitments at the G20 summit. Covax will need $ 11 billion by the end of 2021.

Debt relief for poor countries

At the summit, the European Union wants to campaign for further debt relief for the poorest countries in the world. “We are convinced that more debt relief is needed,” said EU Council President Charles Michel before the summit. This is intended to cushion the consequences of the corona pandemic. Development organizations One and Oxfam stressed ahead of the summit that more than 200 million people were also at risk of sliding into extreme poverty due to the crown crisis.

At the virtual meeting in October 2020, the finance ministers and central bank governors of the G20 agreed to extend the debt moratorium until June 2021. A decision on a further extension is expected to be taken by spring at the latest.

Climate protection

The G20 has found this problem particularly difficult to address in recent years. The reason was US President Trump’s withdrawal from the United Nations Paris climate agreement to reduce greenhouse gases. The issue has turned the G20 into a G19 plus 1. It is not to be expected that Trump will change his position in any way at what is likely to be his last summit. Therefore, great progress is unlikely here.

Human rights

Then there is another theme that will be present at the summit, but that will hardly be discussed: the situation of human rights in the host country of Saudi Arabia. The kingdom is heavily criticized, among other things, for the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, critical of the government of the Consulate General in Istanbul, for the death penalty, the restriction of freedom of expression and the detention of activists. Members of the Green Bundestag, the FDP, the left, but also the ruling SPD party, asked Merkel before the summit to make a clear statement on the matter. But it will hardly come to this in the large group. The German delegation stated that there are other ways to address this issue. (ohe / sda / dpa)

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