The former Bolivian fugitive minister is in fact in the United States | news


Bolivian police reported on Saturday that former de facto government minister Arturo Murillo traveled from Panama to the United States (USA) in what is, so far, the most recent destination after fleeing Bolivia on the eve of the change of power on 8 November.


Bolivian police confirm the flight of former ministers of the de facto government

The information was offered by the commander general of the police, Jhonny Aguilera, who claimed that Murillo would be in the United States after fleeing in the first instance to Panama. Murillo is under investigation for the complaint of a surcharge in the purchase of riot equipment.

“The former minister (Murillo) left Bolivia on November 5, he left Brazil for Panama on November 9 and from there we were able to establish that his last place is in the United States,” Aguilera said.

According to the investigations cited by Aguilera, on November 5 the former ministers of the de facto government of Jenanine Áñez, Murillo and Luis Fernando López (Defense) crossed the border into Brazil, where they then arrived in Puerto Suárez from Santa Cruz, in a military aircraft supplied, as a “last favor, by the Bolivian Air Force (FAB).

In early November, the Prosecutor’s Office issued arrest warrants against Murillo and López in the Tear Gas case. The former ministers of Áñez are being investigated for alleged crimes of misuse of the flu and for the purchase of tear gas with a supplement.

To date, it was not known where the former authorities were, they weren’t even with Jeanine Áñez in her last message as de facto president. An arrest warrant was issued last Friday for another case, the seizure of the criminal record of former president Evo Morales.

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