The false edition of the "Washington Post" announced the resignation of Donald Trump


January 16, 2019 will appear in the memorials of false news or "false news". The capital of the United States, amaneció, Wednesday with dozens of distributors of fake editions of the "Washington Post" and a website that also emulated the newspaper.

"Without a Presidency", he recited the headline of the false news with the same typography as the Post. The subtitle explained that Donald Trump had left the White House quickly, which had allowed "to end the crisis".

The copy, dated May 1, falsely reported that the Republican had left the post leaving a message on a napkin before embarking on a trip to Yalta, in Crimea, The country.

Fake copies of some of the oldest and most respected newspapers in the United States were soon distributed outside the White House, near the city's railway station and around the Capitol, among others.

I had a different slogan

"I was reading the news and when I was away on vacation I was wondering if I had missed something, but what I saw did not correspond to what I know, but it was so well done … I kept going back to the title that read The Washington Post, until I realized it was false, "says Carmen del Río, who received one of the close copies of the Treasury Department.

The clue that enabled him to quickly understand was that the newspaper's slogan: "Democracy dies in the dark" had been replaced by "Democracy wakes up in action".

Disclaimer of the "Washington Post"

When Twitter users started uploading photos of the cover and wondered what it was, the post tweeted that both the newspapers they were distributing in the center of the capital, both the website that tried to imitate them, were not their products. : "We are investigating this."

Journalist Ian Kullgreen published the photo of the fake newspaper, with a message in which he commented that he tried unsuccessfully to explain to the retailer how annoying he was doing.

"Yes Men" attributed the deception

At midday the copies were accumulated in the landfills of the streets and in the collective left Yes, men the deception was judged. The group of activists tends to make jokes in protest.

In 2008, they were responsible for a million false copies of the New York Times which announced the end of the war in Iraq. Onnesha Roychoudhuri and L.A. Kauffman, the authors of the Wednesday action, stated in a statement that the intention was to show people that "the story told by the article is more reasonable than our current reality".

"We have been very careful to set a future date and frame it, in essence, as a speculative fiction," Kauffman told the NPR radio, where he admitted that readers could be confused by the similarities with the true Post edition.

"I really hope people have a moment of joy before realizing that it's a dream projected into the future," he added.

The false texts have explained that Trump had been forced to resign from the pressure of the protests led by multiracial women across the country. "We are already witnessing unprecedented levels of protest and resistance, now we just have to ask ourselves: what are the prospects?" This Saturday was called the annual march for women.

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