The development of Ethereum [ETH] has become simpler: developers have access to the new Truffle website


On August 13, Joseph Lubin, the co-founder of Ethereum Project and the founder of ConsenSys, made an announcement about Truffle's new update. He tweeted that developers can now access Truffle, Drizzle and Ganache to develop and test Ethereum more effectively.

  Tweet by Joseph Lubin | Source: Twitter

Tweet by Joseph Lubin Source: Twitter

Truffle is an Ethereum development framework that contains all the information necessary for developers to create dApps and smart contracts. It claims to be the most popular of the Ethereum development platform, it also provides users with access to app documentation, tutorials, templates and repositories on the Truffle website.

  The new Tartufo website, source:

New Truffle website | Source:

The site offers three sweet theme services for its users:


A set of front-end libraries that simplifies the writing of development apps. The fundamental feature of drizzle is based on Redux, which according to docs is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps. Users essentially have access to everything this "container" provides.


A private blockchain belonging to Ethereum that is responsible for testing and executing developer commands. Individuals who have access to Windows, Mac or Linux operating systems can use it as a desktop tool or command line tool.


A higher level development platform that is responsible for the project test and & # 39; asset pipeline & # 39; for blockchain through Ethereum Virtual Machine [EVM] whose goal is to make life easier for a developer.

Many famous companies such as Aragon, BitGo, Digix, Melonport and Shapeshift use these three services available to the general public and provide testing and experimentation with personal blockchains.

A Redditor named Discarbic said:

"All of these tools are finally coming together and people are going crazy for the price as if it were the end of the world, and I agree that the site is perfect!"

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  Gautham Kadri

Gautham Kadri is a full-time content writer at AMB Crypto. His passion is for writing and interest in the future of cryptocurrencies and block chain technology. Currently it does not have any form of cryptocurrency.

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