The cream he used for eczema caused a scar all over his body


Samantha Saunders, who lives in Cape Town, the capital of South Africa, contracted eczema at a young age. He started using the topical steroid medicated cream provided by the doctor. Over the years his doctor has increased the dose of the creams, with wounds on the body. After he stopped applying the creams, Saunders’ body was completely covered with wounds. It has been claimed that Saunders lost his job and could not get out of bed for months.

As Saunders’ skin gradually deteriorated, doctors prescribed stronger creams for her to relieve intense itching. Realizing that the creams had stopped working after a few years, Saunders was warned by doctors that he would have to use creams for the rest of his life to control his eczema.


Saunders told local media: “I started doing my research because I didn’t understand what was going on. “I’ve seen people reporting the same symptoms on the Internet, and that’s when I realized my body was going through a topical steroid withdrawal,” she said. Later, in Japan, Dr. He followed the dehydration treatment method invented by Kenji Sato, which involves drying the skin to treat TSW so that the skin learns to hydrate itself. Stating that he started showering every two weeks to do so, Saunders said he should limit his water intake to one liter per day and not use moisturizers.


Speaking to local media about his injuries, Saunders said, “The pain was unbearable and at one point I couldn’t move my neck at all due to inflammation, dryness and oozing. Looking in the mirror was also a challenge. I didn’t feel or didn’t feel myself. My mental state got to the point where I could watch the pain for hours. “I started not seeing anyone and stayed home for months,” he said. Saying that he has started to improve with the treatment he applied, Saunders said, “I feel positive about my recovery and I know that improvement can and will happen. I am gradually recovering and I know the process is long but I will get there ”.


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