The Colombian journalist was harassed by protesters during election coverage in Arizona, USA.


A supporter of US President Donald Trump waves a US flag and holds a placard in a "Stop the Steal" protest after the 2020 US presidential election was called for Democratic candidate Joe Biden, at the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center (MCTEC), in Phoenix, Arizona, USA, November 11, 2020. REUTERS / Jim Urquhart
A supporter of US President Donald Trump waves a US flag and holds a sign in a “Stop the Steal” protest after the 2020 US presidential election was called for Democratic candidate Joe Biden, at the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center (MCTEC), in Phoenix, Arizona, United States, November 11, 2020. REUTERS / Jim Urquhart

Last Friday, while writing about electoral demonstrations on the streets of Arizona, Colombian journalist María Paula Ochoa, from Telemundo, was harassed by a contingent of Trumpist supporters who tried to sabotage her work and intimidate her physically and verbally for the work she He was doing. One of the protesters removed her microphone and screamed into the air as she was being filmed by the cameraman who accompanied the reporter in her cover.

However, the atmosphere of tension intensified when another of those in the group of demonstrators approached her without a mask and verbally reprimanded her, ignoring the measures of social distancing imposed by the situation of bio-health crisis in which the North finds itself. America. Fortunately for the reporter and her support team, security personnel who were in the area intervened to protect them from the harassment they had been subjected to.

Ochoa, in statements to some media, stressed that it is not the first time that he has suffered this type of harassment during the last stretch of the North American election campaign: “He touched us several times as Latin media, as you can see in this video” The record, which went viral during the nightly broadcast of the news Telemundo, immediately drew the solidarity of other media, which replicated it in their spaces or used photographs captured by the video to show the hostile situation experienced by Ochoa and his team.

During the closing of the electoral campaign and the subsequent poll, incidents of harassment, harassment and assaults against communicators, especially Latinos, were reported in the United States. Fueled by the statements of President Trump, who did not hesitate to point to the media as his enemies during his visit as president, it remains to remember one of these episodes last October, when he challenged several journalists of different nationalities. chains and said: “Fake news is getting nervous over there, you know.”.

Supporters of US President Donald Trump gather for a "Stop the Steal" protest after the 2020 US presidential election was called for Democratic candidate Joe Biden, at the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center (MCTEC), in Phoenix, Arizona, USA, November 11, 2020. REUTERS / Jim Urquhart
Supporters of US President Donald Trump gather for a “Stop the Steal” protest after the 2020 US presidential election was called for Democratic candidate Joe Biden, at the Maricopa County Tabulation and Election Center (MCTEC), in Phoenix, Arizona, USA, November 11, 2020. REUTERS / Jim Urquhart

The appellation “Fake news” he has made a career during his four years in office, accustomed above all to defeating any connotation of criticism on episodes of corruption and abuse of power, both by the president and by his small circle of advisers. Chain CNN he was chosen by Trump for offering biased news that allegedly skewed the results of his presidency. Telemundo Y Univision, the two most important Latin channels for the Hispanic community in North America, have also been accused by Trump as communicators of “Fake news”, and this house too, Infobae, suffered the broadside of the American president.

Ochoa has finished her job, but the experience reminded her, like her colleagues, of the risks journalism runs when it comes out in search of facts.

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