The best fighting country in Europe with the secret of the second wave of Finland


We are facing the second wave in the fight against the Corona virus. The virus, caught in the summer months, attacked again with the arrival of autumn. Many countries in Europe have taken their share of the second wave of cases, such as Turkey. Germany and Switzerland, which ranked in the top three in the “safest countries” list compiled by the consortium called “Deep Knowledge Group” in early June, were also hit by the second wave. In October, 11,000 287 cases of coronavirus were detected in Germany within 24 hours. The number of cases per one million people in the country Turkey 5 thousand 415. This figure (4 377 thousand) up. Switzerland, on the other hand, recorded 14,000 cases per million people. In the world, to date, this number is 5 thousand 596. Finland is one of the countries that make a difference in the fight against coronavirus in Europe.


We see that Finland is the most successful country in Europe in managing the second wave of coronavirus. Appearing in the world press with positive news in education and technology, Finland is an example during the time of the pandemic. The number of cases per million people in the country is 2,000 708. Finland, which was once recommended by Mustafa Kemal Atatürk to be taught in military schools, continues its struggle in an exemplary fashion. Let’s see what’s happening in the “Land of White Lilies”?

Finland has the lowest infection rate in Europe and its economy is doing better than the economies of other countries. In Finland, the number of cases was detected at a rate of one quarter of neighboring Sweden. Its economy contracted less in the first half of 2020. Experts say Finland’s decision to quickly close the Uusimaa region to contain the pandemic is one of the most successful approaches. Although the restrictions began to be lifted as of April 15, particular attention was paid to the gradual removal.

Finland closed the entries and exits of the Uusimaa region, including the capital Helsinki, on March 27. For Finland, this was a very radical decision, as there was also the case of restrictions on freedoms. Today, the young Finnish prime minister, Sanna Marin, is appreciated for making this decision.

Just three months after the installation of Sanna Marin, of the Finnish Social Democratic Party, the Covid-19 pandemic broke out. In Finland the young politician is said to have increased his vote by 3 percent thanks to his good handling of the epidemic.


Speaking to the Financial Times, epidemiologist Prof. Pekka Nuorti explains the most important factor that distinguishes Finland from other European countries as follows: “There is a great division between Finland and all other European countries that arises from collective experience against the Soviet Union during the 1939-1940 Winter War. The most important difference in Finland is that it is focused and prepared on how to act in the event of a national emergency. “


Finland has a stock of emergency medical and protective equipment. Furthermore, these measures have not been necessary since the Second World War. At the start of the outbreak, there was a mask crisis in European countries, but Finland announced that it has no problem with masks. A report published in the New York Times on April 5 called attention to this problem. The entry of the news was as follows: “Unlike their neighbors, the Finns never stopped stocking up after the Cold War. Finland now has enviable medical and survival equipment in the age of Covid-19 “.

Finland, which previously stood out in the world press, especially in education and technology, this time made a difference with its stockpiles of masks in the Covid-19 era. With a significant stock of protective equipment, the Finns not only overshadowed their Scandinavian neighbors, but also many European countries. These stocks from Finland include not only medical supplies, but also raw materials used to make oil, grain, agricultural tools and ammunition. It is known that these masks were used in the first days of the epidemic.


It is known that Norway, Sweden, and Denmark also collected large quantities of medical and military equipment, fuel and food supplies during the Cold War. However, they have largely abandoned these stocks later on. Finland, on the other hand, is ready for both a pandemic and a possible war. This situation of the Finns sheds light on national stocks and reveals the vulnerability of other Nordic nations. Magnus Hakenstad, of the Norwegian Institute for Defense Studies, said: “Finland is the country of Scandinavians prepared for a great disaster or III. He is always ready for world war ”.

Swedish state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell, who looked at the preparatory situation in Finland a few years ago, says: “The levels of preparation are far beyond anything we can imagine. Of course, if you have a neighbor like Russia and you’ve fought with them, that’s normal. “

A Finnish woman is on the subway.


When we look at expert opinions on Finland, we see that being prepared has both a practical and a psychological effect. Prof. Pekka Nuorti points out that Finland has gone even further: “Finland has a long tradition of responding to crises and people tend to come together when there is a crisis. What was remarkable when the restrictions were applied were the changes in the behavior of the population. In a very short time there has been a three-fourths reduction in social contact between people.

Pekka Nuorti says that a pandemic acts as a mirror for the functioning and organization of an entire society. Finland appears to be hugely successful in this regard. Obviously it is useful to underline the population and area factor. The curfew has not been enforced in Turkey as in Finland because it does not have one. According to people living in Finland; The demand for public transport has dropped immensely. Most people work from home. There were no restrictions for people who went out. The high per capita area in Finland is also cited as the reason why this is not necessary. The area of ​​the country is almost half of Turkey. In contrast, the population of 5.5 million, which is equivalent to one in fifteen of the Turkish population. The area is large and there is no density. Unlike the Mediterranean peoples, it is known that they are more distant people.


Finland was also affected by the second wave. Per capita cases are at their highest since mid-May and the number of daily cases has been between 200 and 300 in the last period. However, they are still much better than other European countries. The number of cases per million people in the world is 5,000 596. In Finland, this number is 2,000 708. That’s half that. In general, the situation does not look good in Europe.


Johan Strang, Associate Professor of Scandinavian Studies at the University of Helsinki, underlines Prime Minister Sanna Marin’s attitude by describing the success: “Prime Minister Sanna Marin was able to implement quite drastic measures without anyone questioning him. . Also, he was very calm in doing so. Finland was more prepared for the pandemic than Sweden “.

The drastic measure here has been to close the area, including the capital Helsinki, and prevent people from entering and leaving the borders for several weeks. Finland had the strictest criteria in Europe in terms of “avoiding quarantine” for visitors from abroad. Johan Strang hopes they will reduce the impact of the second wave, with limited local and regional restrictions and increased use of masks.


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