The alarming discovery made by the explorers at the foot of the Blue Holes of Belize, one of the natural wonders of the planet


Belize's Blue Hole, one of the planet's natural wonders, has plastic bottles and other waste on the bottom, according to the team that recently explored it.

The article's The alarming discovery made by explorers at the bottom of Belize's Blue Holes, one of the natural wonders of the planet

The alarming discovery made by the explorers at the foot of the Blue Holes of Belize, one of the natural wonders of the planet

Blue Hole was soon explored by a mission supported by British billionaire Richard Branson. He sank, along with the explorer Fabien Cousteau, at the bottom of it, at a depth of 125 meters, in a submarine.

"Unfortunately, I saw plastic bottles at the bottom of the hole," wrote Branson on the blog.

In addition to plastic bottles, the team discovered the remains of animals that reached the bottom of the pit and died of oxygen deficiency.

Rubbish is a big problem for the world's oceans. They also reached the deepest place on Earth. The researchers made an unexpected discovery in the Marian pit at a depth of 10,994 meters. Filming by a submarine shows that the bottom of this area is full of rubbish created by the man. Among the objects discovered there are a tire, a washing machine, a pot, plastic bags, PET, cans and a metal barrel.

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