Ten blue helmets killed in Mali


At least ten blue helmet soldiers died in an attack on a UN base in northeastern Mali. The victims are from Chad.

In an attack on a UN base in northeastern Mali, at least ten Chad peacekeepers were killed on Sunday. As announced by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, the Aguelhok base has been attacked by numerous armed assailants.

The soldiers defended themselves against "the complex attack". At least ten Chadian soldiers were killed in fighting and 25 others were injured. The head of the UN mission Minusma, Mahamat Saleh Annadif, spoke of "a shameful and criminal attack".

Islamists want control

Mali of West Africa has been a staging area for Islamic groups since 2012, which then took control of the north of the country. The former colonial power France intervened militarily in 2013 and rejected the Islamists. But despite the presence of thousands of international soldiers, instability continues to prevail.

The over 13,000 blue helmet soldiers are repeatedly targeted by attacks. The base of Aguelhok, 200 kilometers north of the city of Kidal on the road to the Algerian border, was attacked last time in April 2018. Two soldiers of the blue helmet were killed and many others they were injured. (DPS)

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