Teen died of COVID while eating a cookie with her family


Isai Morocho, a 16-year-old teenager studying at the University of Madison, Wisconsin, died of COVID-19, despite the negative test they took while he was alive.

His father, Milton Morocho, told in tears how he died suddenly in front of his eyes, unable to do anything to save his life.

The young man fell ill the day before Thanksgiving and when they took him to the hospital “they sent us to the airways, which is where they treat people with suspected COVID,” Milton said.

During the test it was negative and the doctors pointed out that it was “a stomach virus, which is common these days. They advised us to give him plenty of fluids and not solid foods, “he said.

According to the teenager’s father, his son was fine, although the symptoms persisted.

However, after three days his vomiting increased and when he was taken back to the hospital “they checked his heart, lungs. The lungs were free, the heart was beating well, they didn’t want to test it for COVID, “he said.

However, the dismayed father admitted that he feared it was the coronavirus
despite the unusual symptoms.

On the day of Jesse’s death, his father said, “He was sitting on the sofa… he said ‘I’m sorry, dad. I’m fine, but I’m very afraid ”.

Milton tried to calm him by replying “it’s okay, mijo, you don’t have COVID, you just have anxiety, breathe softly, with your stomach, so you can relax”.

“I already feel good,” the teenager replied and asked for something to eat because he was hungry. Since he was still sick with his stomach, they offered him a cookie and when he started eating “I noticed he was gone, he was so fast, too fast”his father said and burst into tears.

“I tried to revive him, because where I work they gave us lessons, until the emergency health services arrived, and it was impossible,” he added in the midst of the distressing story.

Isai’s family does not know how he got the coronavirus and assures that the young man had no comorbidities.

Now he is raising money to cover the expenses for the teenager’s funeral.

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