Switzerland, ready to implement a dramatic medical plan. Abandon resuscitation, elderly patients will no longer be brought to resuscitation


With an average of almost 6,000 cases in recent days, hospitals in the most affected areas of Switzerland are starting to run out of space to admit seriously ill patients. Geneva University Hospitals have recruited trained volunteers and retired staff to help care for the record number of patients they expect in the coming days.

Health authorities estimate that ATI’s posts will reach saturation between 6 and 18 November.

Therefore, the time is approaching when the sorting will be done in the blood. In the absence of intensive care beds, no resuscitation will be performed, according to the plan for such situations.

Patients over the age of 85 and those over the age of 75 with severe disease and an estimated survival of less than 24 months will no longer be admitted to resuscitation.

Alexandru Dobrinov, a Romanian doctor based in Switzerland, explained to Digi24 that the situation is not yet at the limit, but that in two or three weeks, if the infection curve increases at the current rate, the measures foreseen in this plan will apply. .

“We have many cases of infection, they have grown exponentially in two weeks.

The explanation for this situation is that protective measures were lifted, people lived normally, during sporting events, stadiums and gyms allowed to occupy two thirds of the seats. There were cultural events, the situation was very relaxed. There was a lot of contamination, the situation got out of control, ‘said the doctor.

He said the document was released in March by the Swiss Medical Academy, but has now been published due to the pandemic situation.

“These measures were foreseen to apply in case of war, plane crash, when it has been specified that triage should be done if there are no more ICU beds.

Triage is not about age, it says what matters is life expectancy after resuscitation, but it is specified that life expectancy also depends on age“explained Alexandru Dobrinov.

Publisher: Georgiana Marina


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