Swiss value at 14 days plus 60: the limit value for risk countries should be adjusted


Switzerland has values ​​of 14 days higher per 100,000 inhabitants than many neighboring countries. This is why the quarantine rules should now be adjusted.

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On Wednesday, the Federal Council wants to change the list of countries at risk.

On Wednesday, the Federal Council wants to change the list of countries at risk.

The Federal Council wants to adjust the rules for countries at risk on Wednesday. Only states or zones whose value of 14 days per 100,000 inhabitants exceeds that of Switzerland by more than 60 should be included in the list. This writes “look”.

Until now, the rule has been that a country enters the Corona risk list if it counts 60 or more new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within 14 days. Anyone returning to Switzerland from such a country must currently be in quarantine for ten days. There are exceptions for border areas.

However, Switzerland surpassed this value of 60 for a good month. This makes regulation for foreign countries questionable. Health Minister Alain Berset himself considered the current situation unsatisfactory.

With the new regulation, a number of EU countries would disappear from the risk list. For example France and Great Britain, which have a lower incidence value than Switzerland.

According to “Blick”, the duration of the quarantine for returnees from countries at risk should not be shaken. This should persist for ten days.


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