Surprising article: What should we expect from power?


Hayrettin Karaman wrote: “Our president is trying to establish relations with many other Islamic countries by spreading his wings from the east to the west of the world. May Allah be successful!

Erbakan Hodja failed to achieve many of his goals such as the Islamic common market, the Islamic dinar (money) and a completely interest-free economic system, but he also tried to take the step forward in his day. He joined that coalition because he saw it useful and even necessary.

Neither Ziyaülhak nor Erbakan nor Erdoğan could cancel the interest, but they tried; Our President is also troubled by the high interest rates, and if he manages to bring interest and inflation parity without disturbing the balance of the economy in the first phase, it will be a major success. ”

Here is the article by Hayrettin Karaman;

And many Muslims as well as -bad intentions in question came to my corner of atlıyorum- that I hüsnüzann who are well-meaning in the WhatsApp group, seeing the ground when he set foot on the foot, without taking into account the world and the state real account in which Turkey almost Hz. They expect what is expected of Ömer from the government and from our dear president.


Well, is this expectation realistic?

Obviously not. Yes, there are some major changes that have been made, but these are changes that others inside and out can tolerate despite everything. for example “Mosul is ours” If we say and try to take it back, the others outside prevent it. If we try to change the first four articles of the Constitution and the other articles related to them – not to mention Islam – according to real democracy, this will be prevented by internal opposition. (Here the opposition is not just about political parties).


When the AK party came to power, the country needed a lot of material and moral reforms. Many Muslims, with whom I have participated, have said that this burden is worth bearing (forming a party and rising to power) if they solved these three problems with their sins, and this we expected first of all: the lifting of the ban. of the veil, the removal of the persecution of Imam-Hatip and other graduates of vocational schools during the university entrance examination, introducing optional / voluntary Islamic religion courses in schools.

The AK party has achieved unimaginable goals in terms of material reform; proceeds with determination and success on this path

When it comes to the spiritual, moral, creative and educational fields, there are obviously major problems, shortcomings and flaws awaiting improvement. Reform in these areas – such as the chicken or the egg or the chicken – requires a long and narrow journey within the framework of the interaction between company and management; On this journey, first of all, society will reform, the government will take steps to facilitate this reform, but it will not be possible to implement reform when it comes to the current moral depression.

“Education is essential” Such a phrase, somewhat not seriously, circulates in the mouth. Let’s not forget that all ideologies, lawsuits and religious believers train and do so to raise people according to them.

As you can with training “Perfect Islamic Person” If we want to increase it, we cannot expect this from the current order of power; Because the constitution, national education policy and goals of this country are not set to raise such a person. Of course, our children will continue to attend existing schools, but every Muslim will do his best, first in school selection and then in the process of correcting the shortcomings of schools.

They ask

Since Muslims cannot make everything compatible with Islam, why do they found a party and aspire to power?

The jurisprudence of those who do it can be summarized as follows: The goal cannot be achieved with everything or nothing. Without calculating the possibilities and obstacles, it is not possible to take steps and the goal to be achieved in ten steps cannot be attempted in a single step. We will do what can be done as a political power to the extent that current conditions allow, Muslims will do their part in the framework of wisdom, this is the profit of so many steps we take, and other steps will be taken by those who follow.

I will quote a memory that I think fits well at this point (ie, necessity, wisdom and respect for the passages). Lütfi Doğan, our esteemed elder, said at the memory:

In 1974 we formed the MSP-CHP coalition. Some friends, Islamic groups did not want us to form a government with the left party. In fact, neither do I. I didn’t speak to protect our unit. Our Erbakan Hodja, who was the deputy prime minister of the government at the time, called me. Ali Yakup Cenkçiler, our teacher, is sick, he said, let’s go to his visit. We decided. In Istanbul, we went to Ali Yakup Hoca’s house with Emin Saraç Hoca. When we entered, Ali Yakup Hodja was lying tired and exhausted. It was obvious that he was seriously ill. When he saw us, he jumped out of bed and said:

-Come, my dear Necmettin! .. Let me kiss you on the forehead. You have imposed the existence of Muslims in this country, which until now has not been taken into consideration. You made us live the 2nd Hudeybiye. God bless you!

I realized the greatness of Erbakan Hodja and the importance of our work by forming a coalition. I served as the head of religious affairs; I have read many Siyer books. I had not been able to establish the link between the coalition and Hudaybiye.

(Milli Gazete, Şakir Tarım column, May 24, 2016).

The Islamic Union is the sacred goal of all Islamists. In many times, many politicians and civilians have made great and small efforts for this cause. One of them is the D-8 formation, which the late Erbakan Hodja thought up and embarked on. Let us recall briefly:

The D-8 project, which brings together 8 Islamic countries, was carried out by the Prime Minister of the 54th Government, Prof. Dr. It was launched during the period of Necmettin Erbakan (June 1997). These countries; Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Indonesia, Egypt and Nigeria. Those who opposed it saw it as a hopeless case, but continue limping. Ona at the UN General Assembly in 2014 “Observer State” It was given.

The purpose of launching the D-8 initiative is to create and diversify new opportunities in trade relations between 8 countries which represent great economic potential, diversified resources, large population and geographical area, increase participation in international decision making, provide better living conditions, develop economic cooperation around projects and strengthen the status of developing countries in the world economy.

Even though there are some cracks in some members today, our President is trying to establish relations with many other Islamic countries by spreading his wings from the east to the west of the world. May Allah be successful!

Erbakan Hodja failed to achieve many of his goals such as the Islamic common market, the Islamic dinar (money) and a completely interest-free economic system, but he also tried to take the step forward in his day. He joined that coalition because he saw it useful and even necessary.

Neither Ziyaülhak nor Erbakan nor Erdoğan could cancel the interest, but they tried; If even our President is troubled by the high interest rates, if he can bring about equal interest and inflation without disturbing the balance of the economy in the first phase, this will be a major success.


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