Sudan considers total blockade with more COVID cases – New Delhi Times


Sudanese health authorities say a total blockade is not ruled out after a sharp rise in COVID-19 cases across the country in the past four weeks.

Interim Health Minister Osma Abdurrahim, recently recovered from COVID-19, calls on all citizens to wear face masks and follow all other preventive measures to avoid contracting or transmitting the disease.

Rush of infections called “terrifying”

Abdurrahim described the higher infection rate as “terrifying”.

“Three weeks ago, we recorded 200 cases. Two weeks ago the number jumped to 500 and this week the number jumped to 700 positive cases, “Addurrahaim told reporters at a press conference Thursday night in Khartoum.

He said nearly a hundred deaths were recorded in isolation centers last month.

Aburrahim went into self-isolation when he tested positive for COVID-19 10 days ago.

Official finance tests are positive

At the end of last week, Sudanese Finance Minister Hiba Ahmed also tested positive. Ahmed said he is still doing most of his duties as a home officer.

The health ministry will continue to monitor the situation and is considering calling for a total blockade, according to Abdurrahim.

“We will follow the health situation more closely and so far no total block has been decided, but this will depend on the curve of the epidemic. We will continue to update the public regularly, “Abdurrahim said.

In the same briefing, Undersecretary at the Ministry of Education Tamadur Al Tarifi announced that the government is postponing the reopening of most schools for another two weeks according to the directives of the health authorities.

At the end of that period, Al Tarifi said, health authorities will decide whether schools should be reopened.

“These 15 days will be closely monitored by the Ministry of Health. If they decide that schools shouldn’t open, we don’t have much to do rather than follow their directions, “Al Tarifi said, adding that the government hoped a new academic season would” start soon “and be safe for students.

Schools are about to reopen

Schools across Sudan were closed in March. They were supposed to reopen next Sunday.

Primary and secondary school applicants resumed classes early last month as long as students wore face masks to school, practiced social distancing, and observed all other health guidelines. Al Tarifi said “congested classrooms” should be split in half or schools should operate on two shifts.

He said the health ministry will conduct regular visits to schools to make sure they follow “all health guidelines”.

Credit: Voice of America (VOA)

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