Study on the spread of Covid-19. A person with an immunodeficiency can be contagious for 2 months after infection


A case study of a 71-year-old patient with leukemia, related to other studies, reveals that people who have genetic defects in the immune system and become infected with SARS-CoV-2 could remain contagious for more than two months (70 days) .

Researchers published on November 4 in the journal Cell an unusual case of a woman with leukemia and low antibody levels who was infected with the coronavirus for at least 105 days and remained contagious for at least 70 days, remaining asymptomatic. always.

The study, cited by Business Insider, shows that the 70-day period in which the patient was contagious is the longest period of its kind ever seen in an asymptomatic coronavirus patient. To date, the longest known period in which a patient could transmit the infection to others was 61 days.

Doctors say that due to the weakened immune system the body produces insufficient amounts of antibodies to have a substantial defense against the virus.

An estimated three million people are immunosuppressed in the United States, including those with HIV and cancer patients receiving chemotherapy.

“We believe that, at least until day 70, this patient would have been able to pass the virus to others,” said Vincent Munster, a virologist at the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

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