Strong gusts of wind: the Baltic Sea ferry runs aground off the coast of Finland


There are 429 people aboard the ferry that ran aground off the Finnish archipelago of Åland. There are no leaks, according to the Coast Guard.

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Stranded on the road from Stockholm to Turku in southern Finland: the Viking Grace.  (November 21, 2020)

Stranded on the road from Stockholm to Turku in southern Finland: the Viking Grace. (November 21, 2020)

Keystone / Niclas Nordlund

The 331 passengers and 98 crew members are to remain on board until the situation has stabilized.

The 331 passengers and 98 crew members are to remain on board until the situation has stabilized.

Keystone / Niclas Nordlund

A ferry with 429 people on board ran aground in the Baltic Sea off the Finnish island of Åland on Saturday. There were no injuries, the situation is stable, wrote the Viking Line shipping company on its website. Viking Grace will stay there until the wind subsides. Passengers would have to spend the night on board, be accommodated in cabins and received meals. The divers examined the bottom of the ship, which held 331 passengers and 98 crew members.

The coast guard said there were no leaks, the “Helsingin Sanomat” newspaper reported. The spokeswoman for the shipping company, Johanna Boijer-Svahnström, said according to the newspaper that there were strong gusts of wind. Before the investigation, he did not want to speculate on the causes of the accident. The ferry ran aground off the Åland Islands near the town of Mariehamn near the harbor. He was on his way from the Swedish capital Stockholm to Turku in southern Finland.

A shipping company ship ran aground off the archipelago in September. At that time, there were around 280 people on board. Nobody was hurt.

(SDA / chk)

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