Strange metal monolith discovered in the Utah desert


What seemed like a routine trip by Utah Department of Public Safety agents took an unexpected turn when they found themselves with a mysterious shiny metallic monolith that stood in the middle of the desert.

It all happened during a research flight, carried out last Wednesday, to monitor the behavior of bighorn sheep in southern Utah, in the United States.

Agents from the Utah Department of Public Safety’s Aero Bureau unit, in support of the Wildlife Resources Division, saw the strange object that looked like it came out of Stanley Kubrick’s film, “2001: A Space Odyssey.”

“One of the biologists saw it and we happened to fly over directly”, driver Bret Hutchings told American KSL media. “It was like: wait, wait, wait, turn around, turn around!” And I: “What?” Y he says, “There’s something back there, we have to go and see it!” “added.

Indeed, there it was, a monolith about 3.5 meters high that seemed to have been planted and not to have fallen by chance.

For the pilot, the man in charge would have been a fanatical artist from Kubrick’s classic 1968 science fiction film and didn’t want to speculate on some extraterrestrial phenomenon.

“I guess he’s a new wave artist or something or, you know, someone who was a huge fan (of ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’)”, She said

However, it is illegal to install structures or any type of artwork without permission on public land, the Utah Department of Public Safety announced in a statement. Therefore, they decided not to disclose the exact location where the artifact is located.

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