Sputnik-V vaccine is at least 91.4% effective


(CNN) – Russia said on Tuesday that the most recent data suggests its Sputnik-V coronavirus vaccine is at least 91.4 percent effective and could be over 95 percent.

Data obtained 28 days after the first dose and seven days after the second dose showed the vaccine was 91.4 percent effective, according to a press release posted on Sputnik-V’s Twitter account.

Preliminary data obtained 42 days after the first dose – 21 days after the second dose – indicate that the efficacy of the vaccine could be more than 95%.

This calculation was based on data analysis of 18,794 volunteers who received the first and second doses of Sputnik-V vaccine or placebo.

The latest interim analysis came after 39 confirmed cases of covid-19 among phase 3 trial participants who received the vaccine or a placebo, according to a press release from the Russian Direct Investment Fund (RDIF) and the Gamaelya Institute. . .

No adverse vaccine events

The statement adds that there were no unexpected adverse events during the trials and the monitoring of participants is ongoing.

Interim research data from Phase 3 studies will be published in an international medical journal after peer review, the statement continues. Upon completion of Phase 3 clinical trials of the Sputnik-V vaccine, the Gamaleya Institute, which developed the vaccine, will provide access to the full clinical trial report.

About 40,000 volunteers are participating in phase 3 trials in Russia, of which more than 22,000 volunteers have been vaccinated with the first dose and more than 19,000 with the first and second doses, according to the statement.

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