Special measures to preserve the health of cucutini on Halloween


The office of the mayor of Cúcuta has published the decree 0484 of 26 October 2020, which establishes the measures for the celebration of 31 October.

This announcement highlights the ban on popular walks, massive events that generate crowds in the public space of the northeastern capital.

This is in order to prevent a possible increase in COVID-19 infections in Cúcuta, for this reason from midnight on November 28 to midnight on November 2, meetings in sectors such as El Malecón are prohibited. , Plaza de Banderas, Parque Santander, Simón Bolivar, among others.

Similarly, it is decreed that minors under 18 years of age from 28 to 2 November between 22:00 and 5:00, must not remain in public spaces or commercial establishments without the company of their parents or responsible adult.

Furthermore, shopping centers will not be able to exceed the capacity of 30% of their capacity and will have to ensure strict compliance with biosecurity measures.

The city administration added that, during these dates, caravan tours of traditional cars and motorcycles to celebrate the masked party are prohibited.

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