spany basnndan Trk SHA’lara vg


El Pais, one of the famous Spanish newspapers, paid tribute to the Trk SHA. In the newspaper article, “Turkish SHAs are the new owners of the sky”.

The Turkish-made armed unmanned aircraft continue to attract the attention of all countries. The Turkish SHA, cited as one of the important factors in Azerbaijan’s success on the front, tasted the headline of El Pais, one of the leading Spanish newspapers. Claiming that Turkish SHAs are better in cost and impact than other unmanned airspace in the news, El Pais said: “Since they can record the targets they have destroyed, they are also a powerful propaganda weapon.


Turkish manufacturing appeared as a powerful propaganda weapon for HA and SHA, as they were able to record the targets they had destroyed and their war field activities. He posted videos that destroyed his lenses, extremely photogenic images that gave the impression of undeniably amazing.

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