Spain will ignore the December 6 parliamentary elections organized by the Venezuelan regime


Cristina Gallach with the position of Spain on Venezuela and the elections of 6 December

The Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated this on Friday It “does not recognize” either the “regime” of Nicolás Maduro or the parliamentary elections scheduled for December 6 in that country, for “failing to guarantee fundamental democratic principles”.

The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and Iberian America of Spain, Cristina Gallach established this position during her appearance on Friday in the Spanish Senate’s Ibero-American Affairs Committee, in which he presented the general lines of his department and assured him of collaborating with the European Union Contact Group and preparing a response to next month’s elections in Venezuela.

When referring to Venezuela, Gallach congratulated himself that the government of socialist Pedro Sánchez has shown that “it is able to speak with all” the actors involved and that “in the most difficult moments, it passes on messages and documents”.

“We never stop saying what we think and, moreover, we act”, She said.

The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and for Iberoamerica and the Caribbean, Cristina Gallach (David Zorrakino - Europa Press)
The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and for Iberoamerica and the Caribbean, Cristina Gallach (David Zorrakino – Europa Press)

As for the decision to replace the ambassador in Caracas, Jesús Silva, with a chargé d’affaires, a post of a lower diplomatic category, Gallach justified it in the Spanish government “does not recognize the Maduro regime”.

In his opinion, the charge d’affaires “is a formula suitable for the job he has to do, but he sends a message”, in line with the strategy adopted by other European partners.

The secretary of state insisted on this Spain also does not recognize the elections of 6 December, because “they do not guarantee the basic democratic principles they should have”.

Despite this, he assured him the will of the Spanish government is “the promotion of democracy” and to work together so that there is “a political solution dialogue between Venezuelans that results in the holding of just and democratic legislative and presidential elections.

In the picture, the Venezuelan president, Nicolás Maduro (EFE / Cristian Hernández / File)
In the picture, the Venezuelan president, Nicolás Maduro (EFE / Cristian Hernández / File)

Thursday, the Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro reiterated his rejection of the parliamentary elections summoned by the dictatorship of Nicolás Maduro, he expressed his impression on the popular consultation raised by the interim government of Juan Guaidó, and warned about the consequences of a “normalization” of relations with the Chavista regime.

“We cannot have the slightest doubt that we must reject the elections of December 6 from the beginning, because obviously they will be rigged with all the electoral processes from 2015 to today, when the dictatorship loses the National Assembly”.

Earlier this month, the president of the National Electoral Council of Venezuela (CNE), Indira Alfonzo, rejected the possibility of postponing the legislative elections scheduled for December 6, a condition raised by the opposition to allow time for the deployment of an international observer mission.

“We have a political and institutional situation that it does not allow postponements or delays, such as the renewal of a plural National Assembly, consistent with national interests and acting within the constitutional path “, said Alfonzo in an interview published by the Venezuelan daily The universal.

The president of the National Electoral Council of Venezuela (CNE), Indira Alfonzo
The president of the National Electoral Council of Venezuela (CNE), Indira Alfonzo

On the partiality of which the opposition accuses the CNE, in particular the predecessor of Alfonzo, Tibisay Lucena, the current head of the electoral body indicated that “When you are an arbiter, we will never be exempt from having differences with the parties involved, neither from one political sector nor from another, and this will happen”.

“Our great responsibility, or our great challenge, is to take these differences as a space for meeting and consensus,” said Alfonzo.

With information from EFE and AFP

Keep reading:

Almagro rejected the elections called by Chavismo in Venezuela: “The legitimacy of the National Assembly is not at stake”

These are the new questions of the popular consultation approved by the National Assembly for the departure of Maduro

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