South Australia: A hard block has occurred over a pizza lie


The state of South Australia with its capital Adelaide wants to end the forced closure three days earlier than expected. Also, you should be allowed to be out with your family or roommates again immediately. The reason for this is that the current trigger for the block was based on a lie. It was announced as a so-called circuit breaker for six days on November 18th.

A man with the coronavirus said he was infected in a restaurant that he only bought a pizza there quickly, Prime Minister Steven Marshall said. Therefore, the authorities speculated that it must be an extremely contagious strain of the coronavirus. In fact, the man worked there for several shifts alongside a sick colleague. “Now we know they lied on purpose,” Marshall says, without going into motive. He was pissed.

Marshall thanked the people of South Australia for their resistance during the short blockade, during which he was only allowed to leave the house once a day to run basic errands.

The pizza liar, however, has no consequences to fear. Police Chief Grant Stevens ruled out according to “ABC” that the person concerned would face a fine or a trial.

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