Serbia revokes the decision to deport the Montenegrin ambassador


Serbia's ambassador to Montenegro Vladimir Bozovic accused of meddling in the internal affairs of Montenegro

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Serbia’s ambassador to Montenegro Vladimir Bozovic accused of meddling in the internal affairs of Montenegro

Serbia overturned this decision after Serbia and Montenegro mutually expelled their envoys due to a centuries-old dispute.

The crisis came after Serbia’s Ambassador to Montenegro Vladimir Bozovic said Montenegro’s decision to join Serbia in 1918 was “liberation”.

Accused of “interfering with Montenegro’s internal affairs”, the envoy had 72 hours to leave the country.

Serbia therefore decided to deport the Montenegrin ambassador Tarzan Milosevic.

However, Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic overturned the decision and said that her country “wants to extend a hand of cooperation and friendship to Montenegro”.

The Kingdom of Montenegro decided to join the Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes in 1918 and this country changed its name to the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in 1929.

Montenegro separated from Serbia in 2006 and declared its independence.

Speaking at an event attended by Montenegrin Serbs, Bozovic stated that the decision taken in 1918 was “to freely express the will of the people to join brotherly Serbia”.

The Montenegrin foreign ministry said Ambassador Bozovic downplayed a state that provided him with diplomatic protection.

The ministry added that Bozovic received verbal and written warnings.

The Montenegrin government that expelled Bozovic is expected to change soon.

In the August general elections, pro-Serbian parties won a narrow majority in parliament.

A no-confidence vote on the new government is expected next week.

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