Scary scenes! Nobody helped him because he was poor, so he took his dead mother to the bike pit


A seventeen-year-old girl brought her mother to the pit by bicycle because no one wanted to help him bury him.

Saroj, from the province of Odisha, in the southwest of India, went with the body of the incontinent mother stretched out on a makeshift stretcher, which tied to the trunk, five kilometers away, revealed

The forty-five-year-old young mother, who was called Janki Sinhania, died when she was ill when she went to bring water.

Because he is very poor, even his relatives did not want to help him now at his mother's funeral. Local tradition requires that the dead be incinerated, but Saroj had no money for it, so he dug the hole of his own mother in a forest and buried as best he could. The young man also has a sister who lives next to him in his foster home.

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