Russia moves towards mass vaccination against Covid-19 | news


The Gamaleya Center in Moscow, developer of the Sputnik V vaccine, announced Wednesday that it is possible to begin mass immunization against the new coronavirus in the coming weeks, after having verified 92% efficacy in clinical trials.


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The statements came with the voice of Alexánder Gíntsburg, director of the Gamaleya Center, who reported the preliminary results of clinical trials in correspondence with the data already advanced by the Russian Fund for Direct Investments.

An official Gamaleya statement states: “The studies evaluated the vaccine’s effectiveness among more than 16,000 volunteers, 21 days after receiving the first dose of the vaccine or the placebo.”

Abunda, in this regard, “20 confirmed cases were included in the statistical analysis, identified in the placebo group and in the vaccinated group, which made it possible to determine that the effectiveness of Sputnik V is 92 percent”.

The statement specifies that “the publication of the interim results of the post-registration clinical trials, which convincingly demonstrate the efficacy of the Sputnik V vaccine, allows mass vaccination of the Russian population against the coronavirus in the coming weeks”.

According to both cases, more than 20,000 volunteers have received the first dose of the vaccine to date, while another 16,000 people have been vaccinated with the first and second doses in clinical trials in 29 medical centers in Russia. .

Likewise, the drug’s developers noted that the trials recorded no “unexpected unwanted reactions” among the research participants.

At the same time, the specialists point out that “some of the vaccinated” experienced some “short-term” reactions, such as “pain at the vaccine administration site” or “flu-like syndrome with increased body temperature, weakness, tiredness, ache. head “.

According to medical authorities, trial participants are continuously monitored during the clinical study, which will continue for six months, after which a final report will be prepared.

In parallel, Russia has begun testing the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine on volunteers over the age of 60.

The Sputnik V vaccine, which uses dual-vector human adenovirus technology, was registered in Russia on August 11, and with that early registration it was possible to supply people from high-risk groups amid the pandemic, while on August 25 the health authorities have given the green light to carry out the post-registration tests of Sputnik V and move on to phase 3 of the trials, with 40,000 participants.

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