Rescue teams fight against time to save Julen – World


Searches for the little Julen continued unabated from Sunday to Totalán, Malaga, and new technical and human resources were added to about 100 policemen and firefighters already on site. The two-and-a-half-year-old boy fell to a depth of over thirty meters and a width of 25 centimeters when the family was taken to an uncle's farm.

Eight technicians from the rescue brigade of the Hunosa mine in Asturias were transported to Malaga on a military plane hired by the Ministry of Defense on Tuesday to provide support in the construction of a tunnel on the slope of the land where the well is located. The goal of this tunnel is to reach the area where you think Julen is perpendicular. The experience of my technicians will be important to avoid overturns in the final phase of digging the tunnel, which will be about 80 meters long.

This tunnel is now the primary choice of rescue teams, after the direct access to the water prospecting well in which the child has fallen has been hampered by a new obstacle. The probe with a camera sent to locate Julen in the well, blocked at 73 meters on Monday and Tuesday, is again blocked, this time at about 80 meters.

The new blocked area is covered with earth and stones eventually dragged during the fall of the child. Efforts to suck this earth from the surface proved unsuccessful, only to be able to advance about 60 cm.

The authorities ensure that all efforts are carried out as urgently as possible, assuming the child is alive. But the truth is that, against the depth to which it has fallen, nobody knows if the child is still alive. The family's hope is that little Julen is in an airbag that allows him to breathe.

In addition to seven police units, there are at least six self-contained bodies, four fire-fighting and civil defense units and 13 private engineering, construction, mining and mountaineering companies involved in the rescue. To these supports are added new offers from all regions of Spain, which is experiencing a growing wave of solidarity with the family of the child.

80 meters straight tunnel
The rescue tunnel will be about 80 meters and will be dug directly from one of the slopes of the hill. At an early stage, the work is responsible for the machines, but the final phase will be carved by hand.

Two discarded options
Two of the three early repayment options have already been discarded. Rescuers have renounced removing the earth covering the hole and not digging a tunnel parallel to the well for safety reasons.

Julen's parents experience a second tragedy
Julen's parents are in a new tragedy. In 2017, José Rocío and Victória García lost their eldest son, who died of a heart attack at the age of three, while playing on the beach.

Now I am desperate for the disappearance of Julen. From Sunday, when the two-and-a-half-year-old boy fell into a well, he slept in the car, very close to the 100-meter deep hole where his son disappeared.

Jose thanked the "tireless" work of the police and firefighters, as well as the messages of support, but he reminded the Spanish government that what is needed are means. "The hours pass and support does not come," he told a Spanish radio station on Tuesday.

Experts on the field
Eight elements of the Minor of Hunosa's rescue brigade, in Asturias, who arrived here on Tuesday, specialize in complicated rescue operations in conditions of poor visibility, as well as aiming at rock walls to prevent landslides. Given the urgency, they were transported on a plane of the Spanish Air Force.

Saviors of Chileans
Other important support for rescue operations will come from Sweden, from Stocholm Precision Tools AB. The name could mean little, but this was the company that in August 2010 identified the exact point where the 33 Chilean miners were buried in the San Jose mine, at a depth of 700 meters, a crucial factor for the success of the rescue.

Authorities are considering the use of a georradar to try to get a more detailed image of the area where the child could be to better plan the tunnel's angle of attack. dug in an anti-clockwise direction.

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