Dr, Albeyatti was frustrated by fragmented medical records Source – Medicalchain
In 2011, government ministers abandoned a plan to create a system of Universal registration for the National Health Service of Great Britain Two years later the Committee of Public Accounts of the House of Commons estimated that the abortion regime would cost the taxpayer over 10 billion pounds sterling.It was a non-delicate reminder of something that all the great organizers they know: IT transformation schemes cost a lot, do not always go according to plan or budget, and sometimes they collapse completely. & nbsp;
Fast forward to 2018 and two entrepreneurs – Dr. Abdullah Albeyatti and Mohammed Tayeb are trying to create their own variation on the theme of the universal record system, & nbsp; based on blockchain technology. And if their ambitions are satisfied, patients in the UK will be able to take control of their records, with the data automatically updated every time they see a doctor. Furthermore, it is a system ultimately designed to facilitate health care without frontiers, allowing patients to move internationally while maintaining a & nbsp; series of documents accessible to any doctor. & nbsp;
Of course, it's very different from the British government's ambitious top-down plan to create a completely new IT system for patient data, but there are also similarities. Starting from the bottom to the top and using the du jour technology, Albeyatti and Tayeb & nbsp; they devised a system that could solve some of the problems that British politicians have not successfully addressed nearly a decade ago.
Born of Frustration
As explained by dr. Albeyatti, Medicalchain – the company he founded with Tayeb – was born from his own experience as a doctor. "I was becoming increasingly frustrated, talking to patients who did not have their medical records," he says.
To address the problem, Dr. Albeyatti collaborated with the internet entrepreneur Tayeb, who previously had established her advice, specializing in app development, before going to work as a development manager at the Online insurer Morethan.com.
Mohammed Tayeb had a background in the app and e-commerce Source – Medicalchain
A big problem
Medicalchain is trying to tackle a big problem, namely the fragmentary nature of health records here in the Kingdom United and in other parts of the world. In an ideal world, when a patient sees a doctor, the practitioner in question would have access to a complete medical history before deciding on a treatment. In practice, it is not so simple. A patient may show up in an accident and emergency room, visit an unfamiliar general practitioner when he is away from home, seek private treatment, or consult a doctor when he or she is abroad. In all these scenarios, complete records may not be available, simply because the data is stored in local silos.
Dr. Albeyatti and Tayeb consider the blockchain the solution. Because the information is based on the blockchain ledger principle and is distributed across multiple computers, records can not only be accessed much more widely, but also maintained by the patient and updated automatically after each consultation.
Giving Control & nbsp;
How do you see the dott. Albeyatti, a blockchain-based system that effectively enables patients to "own" their documents reflects current legislation and health consumer expectations. & Nbsp; "Patients now have the right to read their data, and we're setting up the functionality that allows them to do it," he says.
And according to Tayeb, the blockchain will determine an important cultural change. "This is a very different system," he says. "All current systems bypass the patient, we give the data to the patient."
The Challenge
But here's the challenge. The records in question already exist and sit on a range of systems. Blockchain can be an enabling technology, but if the Medicalchain system has to take off, the founders require access and compatibility with existing systems. & nbsp; At present, the company can integrate with System 1 and EMIS, the two medical data solutions used by general practitioners in the United Kingdom.
So it will work?
Well, progress has been made in terms of getting the system in the real world. A pilot is underway in the UK and, looking further afield, the company has also started a partnership with [MayerClinic in the US & nbsp; develop new use cases for blockchain-based recording solutions. & nbsp; Meanwhile, Medicalchain has also developed MyClinic.com, & nbsp; a system that allows patients to pay for private medical care around the world using blockchain tokens.
It is probably wrong to see the blockchain as a kind of magical projectile that will address all the problems of data management in the world. After all, it's just another technology – another way of doing things – and the use cases are still being processed. But blockchain has already destroyed segments of the financial services market. E & nbsp; according to the founders of Medicalchain, the ability of technology to facilitate secure and verifiable transactions at a relatively low cost on a global basis & nbsp; it is applicable to the world of medical records conservation as it is to fintech innovation.
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& nbsp;
Dr. Albeyatti was frustrated by fragmented medical records Source – Medicalchain
In 2011, government ministers abandoned a plan to create a universal registration system for the British National Health Service Two years later, the House of Commons Audit Committee estimated that the aborted regime would cost the taxpayer £ 10 billion.It was not a delicate reminder of something that all big organizations know: transformational IT schemes cost a lot. , do not always go according to plan or budget, and sometimes collapse completely
Fast forward to 2018 and two entrepreneurs – Dr. Abdullah Albeyatti and Mohammed Tayeb are trying to create their own variation on the theme of universal record system, based on blockchain technology.And if their ambitions are met, patients in the UK will be able to take control of their records, with data updated automatically whenever they see a doctor. Furthermore, it is a system designed to facilitate healthcare without frontiers, allowing patients to move internationally while maintaining a series of records accessible to any doctor.
Of course, it's very different from the British government's ambitious top-down plan to create a completely new IT system for patient data, but there are also similarities. Starting from the bottom to the top and using du jour technology, Albeyatti and Tayeb have come up with a system that could solve some of the problems that British politicians have not been able to solve successfully almost a decade ago.
Born of Frustration
As Dr. Albeyatti explains that Medicalchain, the company he founded with Tayeb, was born from his own experience as a doctor. "I was becoming increasingly frustrated, talking to patients who did not have their medical records," he says.
To address the problem, Dr. Albeyatti collaborated with the internet entrepreneur Tayeb, who previously had established her advice, specializing in app development, before going to work as a development manager at the Online insurer Morethan.com.
Mohammed Tayeb had a background in the app and e-commerce Source – Medicalchain
A big problem
Medicalchain is trying to tackle a big problem, namely the fragmentary nature of the health records here in the Kingdom United and in other parts of the world. In an ideal world, when a patient sees a doctor, the practitioner in question would have access to a complete medical history before deciding on a treatment. In practice, it is not so simple. A patient may show up in an accident and emergency room, visit an unfamiliar general practitioner when he is away from home, seek private treatment, or consult a doctor when he or she is abroad. In all these scenarios, complete records may not be available, simply because the data is stored in local silos.
Dr. Albeyatti and Tayeb consider the blockchain the solution. Since the information is based on the blockchain ledger principle and is distributed across multiple computers, the records can not only be accessed much more widely, but also maintained by the patient and updated automatically after each consultation.
Giving Control
As Dr. Albeyatti sees it, a blockchain-based system that effectively allows patients to & # 39; possess & # 39; their records reflect current legislation and health consumer expectations. "Patients now have the right to read their data, and we're setting up the functionality that allows them to do it," he says.
And according to Tayeb, the blockchain will determine an important cultural change. "This is a very different system," he says. "All current systems bypass the patient.We give the data to the patient."
The Challenge
But here's the challenge: the records in question already exist and are on a series of systems. Blockchain can be an enabling technology, but if the Medicalchain system is taking off, the founders require access and compatibility with existing systems. At present, the company can integrate with System 1 and EMIS, the two medical data solutions used by general practitioners in the United Kingdom.
So it will work?
Well, progress has been made to bring the system into the real world. A pilot is underway in the United Kingdom and, looking over, the company has also started a partnership with the Mayo Clinic in the United States to develop new cases of use for blockchain-based recording solutions. In addition, Medicalchain he also developed MyClinic.com, a system that allows patients to pay for private medical care worldwide using blockchain tokens.
Probably it is wrong to see blockchaincome a kind of magic wand that will address all the problems of data management in the world. After all, it's just another technology – another way of doing things – and the use cases are still being processed. But blockchain has already destroyed segments of the financial services market. And according to the founders of Medicalchain, the ability of technology to facilitate secure and verifiable transactions at relatively low costs on a global basis is applicable to the world of record keeping as well as it is to fintech innovation.