Queen Elizabeth II makes her first appearance wearing a mask


He attended a short ceremony this week at Westminster Abbey to commemorate the centenary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.


Queen Elizabeth II of England made her first public appearance wearing a mask since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, when she attended a short ceremony at Westminster Abbey this week to mark the centenary of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Although the 94-year-old monarch has appeared in public on a number of occasions in recent months, she has not been seen wearing a mask until now.

During her first London appearance since March on Wednesday, she wore a black mask with white trim. The images of the ceremony were published on Saturday evening 7-N.

“It was wonderful to see His Majesty in good spirits and in good health,” said Dr David Hoyle, Dean of Westminster after the service. “We talked about the centenary and the life of the abbey. This is where she got married and she is aware of those associations.

Only the dean and the queen’s assistant, Lieutenant Colonel Nana Kofi Twumasi-Ankrah, attended the short service. The queen left behind a bouquet of orchids and myrtle based on the bouquet that led to her wedding in November 1947. The monarch bowed his head after a prayer from the dean.

The Queen had asked for a ceremony to be held after the pandemic thwarted plans for the 100th anniversary of the burial of the Unknown Soldier.

In the grave lies an unidentified British soldier who died during the First World War. His body was repatriated from the north of France and buried in Westminster Abbey on 11 November 1920.

The ceremony was held the day before a four-week quarantine took effect in England. In addition to forcing the closure of many businesses, the measure imposes limits on places of worship.

The law requires people to cover their faces in confined spaces such as public transport, shops and temples. The British government also recommended indoor masks when social distancing is difficult and people come into contact with people they don’t normally see.

Other members of the royal family appeared regularly with their faces covered during the pandemic. The Queen was criticized last month for not wearing it when she visited the Defense Science and Technology Laboratory in Port Down, southern England, along with her grandson, Prince William.

The Queen took advantage of her unusual trip to London to visit Buckingham Palace, her official residence in the capital.

Before Britain imposed quarantine on March 23, the Queen and her 99-year-old husband Prince Philip moved to Windsor Castle, which is about 40 kilometers (25 miles) west of London.


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