Putin is ready to raise hell. The “Dragons of the Tsar” are ready to incinerate any army in the world


Russian troops have already begun testing the “Dragons of the Tsar”, one of the latest weapons designed by the armaments industry. “The TOS-2 heavy flamethrower is one of the newest weapons of the RCBD (Radiological, Chemical and Biological Defense) troops,” said Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, chief of Russia’s chemical, biological and radiation protection forces. -an interview with the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda.

According to the TASS agency, the TOS-2 heavy flamethrowers, known in the Russian military and known as “Tosochka”, have already entered the testing phase, the senior Russian military officer added on Friday.

The TOS-2 system features fully automated observation, firing and fire control systems.

The announcement is not a surprise. Back in August, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced that troops had been ordered to practice throwing new flamethrowers.

TOS-2 “Tosochka” is an improved version of the TOS-1A “Solntsepyok” (“Burning Sun”) system. In other words, it is a heavy flamethrower with improved performance characteristics. Compared to its predecessor, the TOS-2 is mounted on the chassis of a Ural truck with greater carrying capacity and travel over rough terrain.

The TOS-2 system features fully automated observation, firing and fire control systems. The TOS-2 also has an electronic warfare system against precision weapons.

According to defenceworld.com, Russia used the TOS-2 Tosochka thermobaric missile launcher for the first time during the Kavkaz-2020 exercises.
“The new systems destroyed the columns of the armored vehicles of the simulated enemy. The fire from the TBS-M3 thermobaric missiles, which have high energy characteristics, caused significant damage to the enemy. In addition, the combined flamethrower battalion in the southern military district, composed from nine combat vehicles of the TOS-1A Solntsepek system, destroyed a motorized infantry battalion of the simulated enemy “, reads the statement that the Russian Defense Ministry presented it to the press on 25 September 2020 to announce the results of the exercise military.

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