Proceedings against former coup leaders in Bolivia | news


The change of government in Bolivia, with the inauguration of Luis Arce, which ended the de facto regime of Jeanine Áñez, opened the chapter of the flight of several former ministers and former officials, some of them with open judicial investigations.


They arrest a general linked to the Sacaba massacre, in Bolivia

Many of the former officials are being investigated in corruption cases during their one-year mandate, between November 2019 and November 2020, the period of time that the de facto Áñez regime lasted and others are questioned for their participation in the massacres and repressive acts recorded during that period.

The former de facto housekeeper, Jeanine Áñez, has not yet been requested by justice, while others have left the country mocking her arrest warrants and arrived in the United States, according to reports from the Bolivian national police.

The Pluri-National Legislative Assembly advances in the implementation of a judgment of responsibility against the cabinet of Áñez for crimes against humanity, in relation to the signing of decree 4078, with which, according to the Bolivian parliament, it gave free access to the forces jointly repress the population, even kill, without being held accountable to justice for it.

For the moment, the most famous fugitives are Arturo Murillo and Luis Fernando López, who served respectively as government and defense ministers during the de facto regime and allegedly left the country on November 5, three days before Áñez’s government will end. . They are accused of purchasing chemical agents for the police force at a $ 2 million prize.

Another of the former officials under investigation is Marcel Rivas, who was Director of Migration, accused of facilitating the escape of Murillo and López, as well as illegally issuing 495 immigration alerts against politicians, journalists, businessmen and other people considered opponents. of The regime of Áñez.

For his part, the former deputy government minister Javier Issa is said to be in the United States, according to the National Police, and is accused of having participated in the theft and burning of the military service card of former president Evo Morales; in a case in which the former director of the Special Crime Force (FELCC) Iván Rojas, who also has a case with his wife for legitimacy of illicit profits, is also arrested.

The list of former officials under investigation also includes Víctor Hugo Zamora, who was head of the Ministry of Hydrocarbons, for misuse of influence and violation of duties, and Roxana Lizárraga, former Minister of Communications of Áñez, but is not excluded that continues to grow.

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