Prince Azim of Brunei died at the age of 38


Sad news from Brunei. Prince Azim, son of the Sultan of Brunei (74), died at the age of 38. “Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah’s son died on October 24 at around 10:08 am,” reported the Brunei press service. The death of the film producer was also announced on the radio in the small island state of Borneo. The cause of death is unclear. But he had been in the hospital for a long time. According to “El Confidencial”, he is said to have cancer. There are no official confirmations.

After his death on Saturday, a seven-day state mourning was proclaimed in the Sultanate of Brunei for the prince, who occupied the fourth place in the line of succession. People have raised flags at half mast and must wear white clothes, the color of mourning in Brunei. Prince Azim was buried as a Muslim on Saturday night in the presence of his father. He finds his final resting place in the royal mausoleum of Bandar Seri Begawan.

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