Portugal in the narrow range of countries where the second wave is deadliest – Executive Digest


In general terms, the first wave of Covid-19 has killed more people than this second that the world is going through, however in Portugal this trend is not confirmed, being one of the few countries where mortality is now higher, according to one. analysis made by ‘Business’.

With the government wanting to avoid a new national confinement at all costs, like what happened in the spring, pandemic numbers have increased in Portugal, both in case and death, but the latter has now broken records. seen before. Just yesterday 82 new deaths were recorded, for a total of over three thousand.

According to the same publication, the analysis focused on eight countries and was based on data from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), revealing that this is not the scenario outlined in most of the countries analyzed. namely Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Belgium or Sweden. In Greece the situation is confirmed.

The analysis also reveals that the average number of deaths in the last 14 days in Portugal, estimated at four deaths per 100,000 inhabitants, is higher than that recorded in Greece (two deaths), Sweden (less than one) and Germany (one death). , is still below the values ​​of Spain, Belgium and Italy.

In this sense, according to ‘Negócios’, it is possible to observe that the impact of this second wave in Portugal is greater than that of the first, as regards mortality. However, it is important to point out that more cases of the disease are identified in the same way and consequently more tests are carried out, which can explain this reality.

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