Poland plays hard: Warsaw Prime Minister confirms to Angela Merkel that he does not hold back and blocks the EU budget – News from sources


Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki confirmed to German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday that Warsaw is ready to block the EU’s multiannual budget over the controversy over the conditionality of access to European funds by the rule of law.

“We have reiterated our determination to veto the new budget if we do not find a solution that is good for the EU as a whole, not just for some of its members,” Morawiecki wrote on his Facebook page, according to Reuters.

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“I told the (German) Chancellor today that Poland wants more efforts to find a solution as soon as possible that guarantees the rights of all Member States and respects the procedures of the treaties,” he added. agerpres.ro.

Morawiecki’s discussion with Merkel takes place the day after the Polish prime minister traveled to Budapest to coordinate his position on the issue with his Hungarian counterpart Viktor Orban.

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“Our aim is to prevent a mechanism that will not strengthen but undermine the rule of law within the EU by degrading it to a political instrument. The proposed conditionality bypasses the EU Treaty, uses vague definitions and ambiguous terms, with no clear criteria for justification. sanctions and does not include concrete procedural guarantees, “the two prime ministers said in a joint statement at the end of the talks.

They believe that the introduction of such conditionality can only be done by amending the EU treaties following an intergovernmental conference and proposed that “the necessary funds be made available as soon as possible” and then “if necessary we link the rule of law and the financial interests of the Union ”.

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Hungary is particularly concerned about being sanctioned for its measures against migration and gender issues, such as the inclusion of the traditional definition of family in the recently proposed Constitution by the Budapest government, while Poland is in conflict with the European institutions . on judicial reforms and on the rights of LGBT people.

In a preliminary vote at last week’s meeting of the permanent representatives of the EU states, Poland and Hungary implemented their threat to veto the EU’s 2021-2027 multiannual budget (€ 1.074 billion) and the recovery plan “Next Generation” (€ 750 billion), if the agreement agreed earlier this month between the European Parliament and the German presidency of the EU Council on the introduction of the conditionality criterion is adopted.

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This agreement, adopted at that meeting by a qualified majority, provides that, on a proposal from the European Commission and with the approval of the qualified majority of the Member States, European funds may be suspended in the event of Member States accused of violating the rule of law ( independence of the judiciary, press). , fundamental rights, etc.), a mechanism considered by the Polish and Hungarian governments to be an arbitrary instrument based on political and ideological criteria.


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