Photos / At least two deaths and total devastation on the Colombian island of Providencia


Duque left Cartagena on Tuesday and his plane landed at San Andrés Gustavo Rojas Pinilla Airport, where he boarded a smaller plane to get to Providencia and could see the extent of the devastation from the air.

EFE / Photo: Maria Antonia Chinkousky / Blu Radio

At least two dead, three missing and about 30 injured left the passage of Category 5 Hurricane Iota through the Colombian island of Providencia, which was completely devastated, regional public channel Teleislas reported Tuesday 17-N.

The 17 square kilometer island, inhabited by around 5,000 people, is part of the archipelago of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina, which was hit by “Iota” in the early hours of Monday with winds of up to 50km / h , leaving a trail of destruction, as seen in the first images of the place.

“So far three people have disappeared, two others have lost their lives and at least 30 injured,” he said in a newsletter published on his social network Teleislas, currently the only source of information on what is happening in Providencia, as far as the Colombian president Iván Duque arrived this afternoon.

According to Teleislas, the hurricane caused the “total destruction of the health center” in Providencia, which “continues without communication” with the rest of the country.

Island razed to the ground

In the first released photographs of Providencia, located about 90 kilometers northeast of San Andrés, the main island of the archipelago, you can see houses with torn roofs, poles and fallen trees crossed in the streets covered with rubble and even a boat dragged by twenty to one of them.

Aerial images taken during the president’s arrival on a Colombian Air Force (FAC) plane at El Embrujo airport in Providencia show the almost total destruction of the buildings and confirm the alarm that the mayor of that island has given yesterday to Duque, Jorge Norberto Gari Hooker, that “about 98% of the infrastructure” was damaged.

Duque left Cartagena on Tuesday and his plane landed at San Andrés Gustavo Rojas Pinilla Airport, where he boarded a smaller plane to get to Providencia and could see the extent of the devastation from the air.

“The situation is quite complex, especially on the island of Providencia, the effects on infrastructures are considerable. There are several buildings totally destroyed and another large number quite affected,” the commander of the Caribbean Naval Force told Efe. Rear Admiral Juan Ricardo Rozo Obregón.

The naval officer added that until the early hours of yesterday he had contact with his men in Providencia, who managed to report damage to the three naval structures on that island.

“According to the information my commanders gave me there (in Providencia), the Coast Guard station facilities are completely destroyed, the Harbor Master’s facilities are completely destroyed and the Navy Infantry Battalion structures are hit,” he has declared.

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