Pfizer and Biontech vaccine, over 90% efficacy against COVID-19. EMERGENCY request. It happens in the THIRD week of NOVEMBER


Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer made the long-awaited announcement.

The vaccine, developed by Pfizer and Biontech, in the third phase of the test, was found, after an interim analysis, more than 90% effective in preventing COVID-19 infection in participants who had not previously been infected with SARS-COV -2.

The study was based on 43,538 participants, of whom 42% had a different medical background. No serious health problems were observed in any of the participants.

Further information on safety and efficiency continues to be collected. At the same time, the plan is to file an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) application with the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). This will happen immediately upon reaching the necessary safety phase, which should become a reality in the third week of November.

So far, 94 participants evaluated with COVID-19 have been analyzed and the clinical trial will continue until the final analysis of 164 confirmed cases to collect new data and characterize the performance of the vaccine against the study objectives.


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