Peter Florjancic, former Yugoslav Olympic athlete who invented the perfume sprayer, dies at 102 – News


During his youth, Peter Florjancic distinguished himself in Yugoslavia as an Olympic ski jumping athlete. With the outbreak of World War II, he fled that country to avoid being called up to serve in the German army.

Installed in Switzerland, Florjancic began his career as an inventor, first with a bathroom for the disabled. It has also filed 400 patents, but only 41 were successful, including the perfume sprayer and the plastic sash.

“My best invention, and also the most difficult, was the sprinkler. Perfume is a diabolical product, very difficult to vaporize and contains substances that corrode many materials,” he explained.

The invention made the former Olympic athlete rich, which allowed Florjancic to spend the rest of his life savoring the world in countries like Monaco, Italy and Switzerland. He returned to Slovenia in 1998, where he published two books and promoted creation and innovation. He died this Saturday, 22 years later, with 102 years.

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