Pennsylvania: Donald Trump again accused of election fraud


The staging continues. In front of Republican lawmakers in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Donald Trump’s legal team presented witnesses to alleged irregularities in the November 3 presidential election. With high-sounding figures, Rudy Giuliani is trying to back up the as yet unfounded allegation that there was massive election fraud in the important key state.

Rudy Giuliani, Wahlkampfteam Donald Trump
“We have done the math, and the evidence will confirm it, that 682,770 absentee ballots in Allegheny County and Philadelphia were not checked by a Republican.”

A few days ago, Trump’s lawyers did not file a lawsuit against the election result in Pennsylvania. However, the president of the United States continues to act as if the election result is contested, in this case on the other side of the telephone line.

Donald Trump, president of the United States
“Thanks for letting me speak. Right now I’m in the Oval Office and I’m watching with interest. We easily won the election. With a big gap. As a Republican election observer, you were treated like a dog, but the Democrats had no problems. “

With no evidence, Trump went on to say election observers have to work with binoculars because they were so far away. Team Trump’s appearances seem more bizarre every time. But observers suspect there is a PR strategy behind it: a president who could only be expelled from office for fraud – Donald Trump will likely tell this story to his supporters again and again after Joe Biden takes office. Perhaps in preparation for another presidential campaign in 2024.

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