Patients forced to receive oxygen at the hospital door due to high wealth – World


Giuseppe Fiorentino, director of pneumology at the Cotugno hospital in Naples, admitted in an interview with the Italian newspaper Corriere del Mezzogiorno, that patient screening is done outside the hospital unit – inside patients’ cars – due to hospital saturation.

Many of the patients even receive oxygen, administered by healthcare professionals, inside their cars.

The images show several cars and ambulances lined up in front of the hospital, showing the pressure the unit is under. According to the newspaper Corriere del Mezzogiorno, the scenario is almost that of a war with doctors and nurses struggling to reach all patients in grueling shifts.

Giuseppe Fiorentino has been at the forefront of the fight against Covid-19 since March. He assumes that “nothing has changed” when it comes to hospital care in the face of the first wave of March and guarantees that panic is the main factor that drives scores of people to the hospital when it is already saturated.

“The media effect is terrible. And, paradoxically, those who watch this situation on television panic even more and run to the hospital. At least 20 or even 30 people who arrive every day in the emergency room are sent home after being This means they do not need hospitalization “, explains the pulmonologist.

Faced with the problem of patients receiving oxygen in the car, Giuseppe states that this means that doctors cannot see all patients at the same time. The doctor also guarantees that “what appear to be infinite lines are, in fact, normal lines”.

“The space in front of the emergency room of the Cotugno hospital is narrow, the machines you see are not many. But, in any case, the screening is done for everyone outside. [do hospital] and then the evaluations are made “, he explains.

Fiorentino also explains that oxygen was given to patients’ cars instead of being hospitalized because they are moderate cases, with no need to occupy a bed.

“Often the patient who goes to the hospital has moderate symptoms. At home he feels abandoned and above all alone, and he is panicked. He is short of breath, which is more a mental than a physical condition. Territorial care would work better, not we would have this well-being. And I repeat, well-being generates fear that turns into panic “, concludes the pulmonologist.

Giuseppe also warns of the flu, which should aggravate the situation: “This is the real problem in the coming weeks, the symptoms are very similar, except for the lack of smell and taste that leads us to the Covid pathology. Initial therapy approach is anyway. the same “.


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