PAHO: The epidemic continues to accelerate in the United States, there is a recovery in Brazil


Deaths in the pandemic remain at 1.3 million, with 6,800 new deaths reported in the past 24 hours: WHO

Reuters / EFE

The United States continues to see an acceleration in covid-19 cases and has reported more than a million new infections in the past week alone, the Pan-American Health Organization (OPS) said Wednesday 18-N.

America has reported nearly 1.5 million cases and 19,000 deaths from covid-19 in the past week, the regional organization’s deputy director, Jarnas Barbosa, said at a news conference.

Barbosa added that Brazil is experiencing a new increase in cases and deaths, while Uruguay is experiencing outbreaks of the disease in areas of its northern border.

Global cases of covid-19 rose to 55 million this Wednesday after the World Health Organization (WHO) registered 450,000 new infections last day, according to data provided daily by the Geneva-based agency.

Deaths in the pandemic remain at 1.3 million, with 6,800 new deaths reported in the past 24 hours.

Both the daily case and the death curves continue to rise globally, due to the increase in regions such as America or the Middle East, although in Europe the chart shows a bearish situation, after several weeks of imprisonment and others. motion limitation measures.


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