LLY) – Bitcoin & Official Archive

[ad_1] ANALYSIS OF PERFORMANCE Eli Lilly and Company (EURONEXT: LLY) IN FOCUS: The volatility or the average percentage of the real interval (ATRP 14) is 0.52%. The ATR expressed as a percentage of the closing price. The average of the real interval percentage (ATRP) measures volatility at a relative level. …

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Can Blockchain revolutionize global trade?

[ad_2][ad_1] Can blockchain technology be explained in a few words? "An adequate explanation requires a little more words, I fear," replied Steffen Joswig, CEO of Camelot Innovative Technologies Lab. "A blockchain is an interconnected list in which each entry, called block, can consist of one or multiple data records Interconnection …

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ALCOR) – Bitcoin & Official Archive

[ad_1] Biocorp Analysis (EURONEXT: ALCOR) FOCUS PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS: Monitoring of profitability control, company profit margin recorded at -233.39% and operating margin at -173.45%. The Company was able to maintain the return of the asset (ROA) at -41.49% in the last twelve months. Return on equity (ROE) recorded at -347.94%. VALIDATION …

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How do BTC transactions actually work?

[ad_1] The ICO market has warmed up for just under a year, but has turned into a new wave of technology. The amount of wealth created is insane and it can be difficult to keep up with the rate of change that is occurring in the industry. It's like the …

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