The customer chases the Bittrex exchange for losing $ 6,000 of Bitcoin SV coins


The cheating is defined as a "dishonest" action to gain an advantage. It is also an accusation launched against the Bittrex cryptocurrency exchange on its alleged inability to credit its Bitcoin SV (BSV) coins to one of its customers, 57 of which for accuracy.

First of all, some background. In November, the cryptographic exchange suspended withdrawals and deposits of Bitcoin Cash before the network update of November 15, which led to a strong outlet from which Bitcoin SV emerged. At the time, Bittrex assured its customers that it would "take all reasonable steps to ensure that customers' funds can be preserved on both chains".

"Bittrex will make every reasonable attempt to credit the BSV token chain of users," said Bittrex, although the exchange pointed out that "it will not recover cross-chain deposits incorrectly under any circumstances due to lack of replay protection . " It is worth noting that the BSV chain has applied protection against replays, effectively completing the hash war.

For a user, however, the battle has just begun.

The Twitter user @nomadiklyfe recently filed a complaint before Bittrex, claiming to have lost 57 BSVs worth nearly $ 6,000 that are "stuck in an address" on the exchange remote procedure calls (RPC) server.

CoinGeek turned to nomadiklyfe, who explained the incident to us, saying: "So they presumably have a BSV policy that any currency that has been filed incorrectly, ie if you sent BCH to your BCH wallet and that transaction as reproduced on the BSV network, they will not recover your funds.I moved the correspondent BCH and there would be no replay problems if they had to recover my funds.Their policy is not to be done. "

Bittrex is based in the United States, where cryptocurrencies are defined as commodities. This means that the Commodity Commodity Commodity Commission in the United States (CFTC) has the authority to prosecute cases of fraud and manipulation in cryptographic space.

For nomadiklyfe, however, there is a simple solution: "After all, I would like Bittrex to adjust its policy and return the money of its users, including mine."

Note: Tokens on the Bitcoin Core (segwit) chain are called BTC coins. Bitcoin Satoshi Vision (BSV) is today the only implementation of Bitcoin following the original whitepaper of Satoshi Nakamoto for Peer to Peer Electronic Cash. Bitcoin BSV is the only major public blockchain that maintains the original Bitcoin vision as fast and frictionless electronic money.

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