Best hardware of cryptocurrency miners in 2019

[ad_2][ad_1] Now, cryptocurrency mining is about long-term investments. Find out which cryptocurrency you should invest in to generate a great return on investment The double downturn in falling prices and the growing difficulty of mining was a complete knockout for the Bitcoin miners. U. Today determines whether it is necessary …

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Pericol NUCLEAR la graniţă! RUSIA ÎNCERCUIEŞTE ROMÂNIA cu reactoare

[ad_1] Rusia şi Serbia au semnat un acord de cooperare în domeniul energiei nuclear civil, a anunţat joi, 17 ianuarie, într-un comunicat, constructorul rus de reactoare nuclear Rosatom, relatează Agerpres. Acest acord interguvernamental vizează construirea şi modernizarea unor nuclear reactor în domeniul cercetării şi dezvoltării nuclear medicinei. Acest nou acord, …

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Ripple collaborates with Tsinghua University to launch the Blockchain Technology Research Scholarship Program Crowdfund Insider

[ad_2][ad_1] The Fintech Research Institute, Tsinghua University (THUIFR) has partnered with Ripple to launch the Blockchain Technology Research Scholarship Program (BRSP) for graduate students in China. THUIFR is a joint venture created by the PBC School of Finance, Institute for Interdisciplinary Science of Information, School of Software and Law School …

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Doubts about the legitimacy of the election of the Congo

[ad_1] news, world The African Union has asked the Democratic Republic of the Congo to suspend the release of the final results of its disputed presidential election because of its doubts about the provisional results. The rare transition from the group injects a new uncertainty in the post-electoral process, which …

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Donation of money to Afd-Weidel: presents the names of the clients

[ad_1] In the donation scandal surrounding the leader of the AfD Bundestag faction, Alice Weidel (39), new details have been released. Now AFD presented the names of 14 alleged patrons of the EU to the Bundestag. imago / Jakob Hoff During the donation scandal surrounding his parliamentary group leader Alice …

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